I’m always so encouraged when I hear others share testimony of God’s goodness and how He keeps pursuing His people to a deeper and more intimate relationship.  Growth in prayer is one way we can know that God is moving and deepening our walk with Him.  This week, my dear friend and sister in the faith shared these words with me. 


                    “I truly love the book, Draw the Circle  by Mark Batterson.   This book that EE

                    Prayer Network is using in connection with its current 40 Days of Prayer              

                    Challenge has already stretched me, even in this first week.   There have        

                    been times in my life when I have stopped wherever I was, to pray, when I felt

                    compelled to be on my knees.  But this week, (our first week of this

                    challenge) through the daily reading takeaways from Batterson’s book, I realize how

                    important it is to be on my knees anytime, anyplace.  I used to think that dying to

                    self was to obey God but now I’m realizing it’s so much more.”


Establishing a prayer routine will be anything but routine.  Dr. Seuss wrote a book “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”. Prayer is the essence of your life being anything but routine.  Prayer will take you places you’ve never imagined.  Prayer will put you in the face of people you never dreamed you would meet.  Prayer will get you doing things you never thought you’d do.  This 40 day prayer challenge has the potential to dramatically alter the rest of our lives, as Batterson repeatedly says throughout his book. 


I’ve never been the best at journaling, intermittent from time to time, but Batterson is challenging me to journal consistently.  Journaling becomes a map of God’s answered prayer path.  When I began to consider this past week the many answers to personal prayer throughout my life I realize that “Oh, the Places I’ve Been” – spiritually, physically, relationally, emotionally — because of the hand of God and answered prayer.   Let’s  continue to establish a prayer routine—–lives are dependent upon our prayers.  And if you’ve never journaled, why not pick up a pen and some paper and give it a try!


Susan Reecer

EE Prayer Coordinator